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Writer's pictureErica Detlefs

Bought Bulk Herbs? Here's how to Use Them

Cosmic Corner sells a variety of herbs you can buy in bulk, or small portions of. But, the herbs are not food-grade, and therefore unsafe for internal consumption. So, what do you do with them?

Well, there’s a variety of practical and more magical uses for these herbs, so let’s get into the good stuff.

Pictured to the right are our chamomile buds, rose buds, and one of our resins.

1. Good smelling sachets

Like little air fresheners, combining some of our bulk herbs like cinnamon and rosemary in a muslin, mesh, or cotton bag can do wonders. Add in some Epsom salt, a few of your favorite essential oils, and tie the bag together. It’s great to be left in clothing drawers to add a natural perfume, in shoes, in cars, anywhere you need a lift.

Bonus points if you combine magical properties or associations of the herbs!

2. Beautiful Baths

Drop some rose in your bath, add some bubbles, some bath salt, and you’re good to go! They can add a lovely scent or some beauty to an average bath.

3. Offerings

Based on the associations or magical properties of your chosen herbs, leave them in a shell or decorative bowl as an offering to any deity you feel strongly connected to, your spirit guides, or even to your higher self! These herbal offerings can make an altar look and smell just as magical as it really is.

4. Candle Beauty

If you’re feeling crafty, making you own candles and dropping some herbs in can enhance the look of the candle, or the magic of the candle, depending on which you’re into. It adds texture and color, and some magical associations to the candle when you’re using it. Also, bay leaves may be used to write wishes on, and then safely burned in the fire of a candle.

5. Homemade Salves

Body butters, healing chamomile salves, anointing oils, the list of possibilities goes on. These herbs can be included in homemade skin care, stepped in hot water to create a steam mask, and more. As long as the herbs aren’t taking internally, you’ll be fine.

There are a few herbs that we sell you should never use internally or topically. The following can cause hallucinations and death even when used topically: Mandrake, Cat’s Claw, and Devil’s Claw.

Herbs have a total range of uses and applications other than simply making tea. Whether you buy them in large quantities or small, they can be used everywhere from herbal salves, to cleaning supplies, to just plain decorations. Make sure to check out our full inventory here.

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