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Full Moon in Leo Shakes Things Up with Uranus Influence

Writer: Hollee SpringHollee Spring

The full moon in Leo arrives Wednesday morning, February 12th 2025, with a potent and in-your-face energy. In classic Leo fashion, this lunation is calling attention to itself, and to the Self within each of us. The square Uranus in Taurus is bringing tension, but this is the kind of tension that shows you exactly what it is you have been missing. This is the kind of tension we want to recognize as the potential for growth -- we’re going to want to meet this challenge and follow the path that is revealed. 

Full moon in Leo February 12th 2025 astrology cosmic corner
Full Moon in Leo peaks Wednesday, February 12th

Uranus in Taurus Square Full Moon in Leo 

The full moon in Leo is shaking things up and trying to get us to respond with our true nature. Essentially, this is a wake up call back to our genuine self, our authenticity and unique gifts and perspectives. There is a heightened focus on our true needs and desires and this moon is imbuing us with the self-confidence to show up for these things despite resistance. The path forward is one we must forage. It's not just there already (we know this) but the potential for it exists as long, and only as long as we are willing to do the work and create the path. Many of the tools being revealed to us to utilize come from our own innate talents, gifts and from the light within us that seeks expression in the world. Everything is asking us right now, are you going to give up who you are and what you want? Are you going to lay down your humanity as an offering to this current moment in time? Everything in the universe is asking us, who are we really? 

Mercury in Aquarius Opposition to the Full Moon

With Mercury conjunct the Sun and opposite the moon, there is a huge emphasis on speaking our truth and communicating. This may be a challenge, this probably isn't going to flow easily or naturally. We are learning how to stop sitting on our words. It's time to begin to trust our own voice. Set down the scrutiny of the mind, and allow yourself to speak and it’s okay if it's messy, what isn’t messy right now? This moon is really showing up with a message of radical self-acceptance for who we are and what it is we need and want. Our lives are far too important to try and get perfect. They matter far too much for us to strangle them with that expectation. What is it that you haven't been saying, haven't been asking for or have been denying you need? Something I have been getting through this lunation is, “what are you so afraid to lose?” By tackling the fear that keeps us down and quiet, we can begin to heal the wound there and show up with the courage of our hearts. If we are afraid to lose belonging and acceptance by being who we truly are, this is an invitation to enter into much greater self-acceptance and self-belonging. If we are changing ourselves for others due to fear of rejection, we are blatantly and explicitly rejecting ourselves. 

Inner Revolution - Uranus, Aquarius, Leo

The Leo/Aquarius axis is here to teach us about belonging and individuality. Surrender to the lessons coming up right now with this full moon, as clarity is being revealed as well as breakthroughs about our process and where we are at, thanks to the involvement of Uranus. Investing in our self-actualization – individually but also as a collective – is at the core of this full moon. A collective of non-self-actualized people will never be a community that is safe for the individual to self-actualize. However, the self-actualized collective can never exist without its individuals self-actualized. And again, we come to remember the interconnectedness of the individual and the collective, the figure eight of these two moving parts engaging in an infinite dance of response to each other. We must tackle both side by side and know that it is never either or, that it is always one. We must also respond to this dance by moving where there is the opportunity – we don't have control over many things so we must start with what we do have control over. This full moon is saying, you have control over yourself and your mind and your process of honoring who you are, which is the process of self-actualization – it must also be said that self-actualization is a never ending, continuous process not a moment that can be reached and sat upon. 

Mars RX in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries 

Mars retrograde continues until February 23rd, and this lunation is giving us an invitation to go deeper into our emotional wounds and begin some healing. We are asked to tend to our pain with compassion and understanding. This is not easy, yet we must be brave enough to respond to this task. We are being asked to find a path forward, to find a resolution so that we may move onwards. Mars is inviting more courage to go after our desires and what matters to us, to not hold ourselves back despite the pain of the past, or the pain of the present. Listen closely to your emotions during this lunation, as it is being revealed to you something that must be looked at, acknowledged or healed within yourself for your personal journey.

The Leo/Aquarius axis; The ability to stand a part and create belonging for others

Leo represents the Self and the ego. It's not the ego of self-importance, though it can be when off balance, but this is the ego that we speak of in the psychological sense, the ego that we all have that gives us our individuality and separateness. The ego in many ways is our lens through which we experience and interpret the world. It provides meaning and anchoring for who we are when we stand apart from what we are not. Ya Trisha, an incredible psychic some of you may know from her readings at Cosmic Corner, said once to me that the ego is like a tree with falling leaves, we are meant to pick a leaf at any given moment that fits, to take that on and wear it for that moment, and then we are meant to let it go, let it drop away. The ego provides a constant consistency to who we are, but we should never ever think that the ego itself, the leaf it is taking on at this moment, is constant or consistent. The ego will shift and change, what stays ever present is our separation from others, from the world, in this sense that we are always ourselves and no one else. Through understanding this separation, by taking the journey to get to know the many varied leaves on our tree, we come to understand our world and its people, and its creatures and its energies, with more love, acceptance and depth. If I am a whole, complete individual, if my desires and my dreams matter, than so are you and so do yours. When we cut away pieces of ourselves, instead of the natural process of allowing what is no longer relevant to fall away, when we cut and sacrifice part of ourselves that we love, that we need, that are us, we will continue to ask others to do the same. We will ask for our sacrifice to be repeated by others and we will work against our own self-actualization and the self-actualization of our fellow people.  

Therefore, this is how I understand the connection of Leo and Aquarius. We absolutely can not truly know or see another as a full, complex, unique individual if we have not come to understand, know and honor our own complex individuality. Leo is the lesson plan of the Self and its desires and its deepest needs. Leo needs – but it is also the sign of giving. The need to share one's self with the world is a deep desire for connection, purpose and belonging. The need to be accepted and the need to be witnessed for who we really are is core to each person. The signs of Leo and Aquarius are built in with a hyper awareness of this need, and that's because these are signs that have no choice but to show up in the world as who they are. They will not and cannot conform as easily as other signs and they are not meant to because they are our guides for this work.

Leo and Aquarius will have a hard time getting that need of acceptance met – this is not a world of acceptance. Therefore, their journey must shift, needs must and we find a way to meet them, so instead of seeking external approval, the journey of Leo and Aquarius is about self-acceptance. Especially Leo, because they have a much deeper need to be accepted and seen by others. Aquarius is the "higher" (as in more detached and abstract) level of this experience so its not as focused on the development of the ego, but rather utilizing that understanding to create giant, global structures that support this within the individual. Individuals will have a hard time self-actualizing in a collective (i.e. society) that does not support such a thing, harder still when the society is set up in direct opposition. That's where Aquarius fits in, they are utilizing what Leo has learned about the individual and they are applying it to a much larger context. Leo learns who they are, that they are unique and talented and oh so magnificent, uniquely. Aquarius learns that if they are all of these things, then every other person must be so too. Leo is learning how to find self-acceptance outside of external validation, Aquarius is a little different in the sense that they don’t usually have a desire to be validated by a collective that they morally and fundamentally disagree with. I think this is why Aquarius is able to take this journey in a way that's more focused on the collective than just themselves because they actually aren't looking to prove themselves and they are more comfortable being alone than Leo. That's because Leo isn’t really here to be alone even though they are meant to stand apart. (Aquarius is not meant to be “alone” either, however, they are more comfortable there and often choose that for themselves. Leo on the other hand, will almost always be choosing the stage, the thing that gets them seen by others.) Both of these signs are meant to share immense gifts with the planet. They are here to contribute in a major way with their natural talents, insights and unique perspectives. We must remember that if Leo represents the ego, and if Leo has a core need to be witnessed for who they are, then this is an inherent, vital need within each person for self-actualization. So here’s what it comes down to: stop hiding, stop dulling, stop closing your mouth when you have something important to say. Stop doubting yourself, stop running from who you are. Let them be uncomfortable witnessing the fullness of your humanness, if that is how they respond. Know that this need is one that lives within each person who judges you, each person who tells you you are too much, each person that tries to tone you down and shut you up. They too need what they are trying to prevent you from achieving. Aquarius reminds us that this projection is not personal, but carefully and thoughtfully designed by structures of control and authority beyond us. We are not held down or held back by each other – though we often do the bidding of these entities for them. This moon is a wake up call from that path. Uranus in Taurus (the material world), Leo (the ego/individual) and Aquarius (the collective/the structures and systems we create and live by/the revolution against such systems), these are archetypes that are trying to come alive right now within this human experience, to get us to wake up and make huge, life-altering changes. 


This full moon is asking us to make major changes in our lives. There is so much that has been coming up for me during this lunation that I am compelled to share my thoughts on, so I have included a longer analysis of the Leo/Aquarius lessons and principles underneath if anyone is interested. No lunation or astrological event exists in a bubble – which, is that not the point of this moon anyway, to remind us that nothing exists separate even though it all manifests through the channel of separation? What comes up now and the lessons we are being given are here to stay and they are meant for us to work with and build with. We’re asked to breathe them in as vital and sacred nutrients and givers of life. All in all, we must get right with ourselves if we are to get right with the world, or the world right with us. Biggest piece of advice for this moon is to simply pay attention. 

About Us

Cosmic Corner is an interfaith spiritual supply and education center which began in a 100 sq foot corner of Escape Savannah, then moved to its current 2,500 sq ft location in Savannah's Starland District in Feb 2020, yes THAT 2020! Thanks to the support of our amazing community, we are still here today!  

Owners Carmen (they/them) and Zack Loup (he/they) strive to maintain a sacred space where people of all faiths and backgrounds can come to learn, heal, and enjoy fellowship with their community. 

We are LGBTQ+ owned!


305 East 38th Street

Savannah, GA 31401

Corner of Lincoln


Sun + Mon: 1 pm - 6 pm

Tues - Sat: 11 am - 6 pm


(912) 421-0426‬

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