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Writer's pictureHollee Spring

New Moon in Virgo

The new moon in Virgo arrives Monday, September 2nd at 9:55 PM and marks the final lunation before we enter eclipse season. This means that this is the last new moon to work with for manifestation for the many of us who refrain from manifesting while in the eclipse portal. This is a complex moon that is highly influenced by Saturn and the shift of Pluto into Capricorn which happened on September 1st. Virgo as the healer of the zodiac is giving us a chance to purify and organize the chaos we are bound to re-visit while Pluto tries to close out the past 17 years. 

Astrology new moon in virgo
New Moon in Virgo

Keywords for this new moon: change, new beginnings, endings of old cycles, perfectionism, a need for organization, an unexpected path, not feeling ready, inner child healing, psychic abilities and insights, practicality, a sober kind of realism, working hard to create our dreams, embarking on a daunting yet worthwhile journey 

Author's Note: This is a long article and a recap of the main takeaways can be found at the bottom of the page

New Moon in Virgo 

This new moon has a hopeful energy to it but it also demands seriousness and practicality. It can be hard to balance the energy of unlimited potential and optimism while taking a grounded and realistic approach to what we can do and what must be done, but this is exactly the balance we need to cultivate and maintain for these next few months. This new moon is essentially a seed that as a collective we can choose to grow. Within this seed is the essence of our collective hopes and dreams as well as the weight of what we are up against and the clarity that humankind has a long road in front of us. We must hold onto the Piscian energy of unbridled imagination and the faith that all will be well but we can not hold this belief and think that it requires nothing of us. We can not continue to hope that someone else will solve it or that it will suddenly change because we wish it to. Virgo, the counterpoint to Pisces, shows us that our dreams only exist because we form them into our reality. Without Virgo, Pisces is lost to a world of imagination and escapism. The beautiful, loving reality that the dreamer Pisces sees in their head can never live and breathe in the real world until the archetype of the Builder (Virgo) is activated. It is not enough to wish and hope and believe. We must create. We must work to make it so. All that we dream has always been possible yet it is only made possible through our act of creating it. 

The new moon and the sun are both exact at 11 degrees, meaning this lunation is giving us the angel number 1111. For those who know the angel numbers you'll recognize this as the number of new and auspicious beginnings. Even though this moon has a heavy dose of practicality and realism it is incredibly magical. The energy of dreamy, magical Pisces is a main player right now, which we can see with Saturn in Pisces opposite the moon and Neptune, ruler of Pisces, and also in the sign of Pisces, making a sextile aspect to Pluto which just moved into Capricorn. Once eclipse season commences, we will start dipping our toes into working with the Pisces/Virgo axis and our next moon will be a lunar eclipse in Pisces. Uranus, another planet of spiritual enlightenment which rules over the metaphysical, is involved through a square to Mercury in Leo. All of that comes together to provide us with a powerful moon for manifestation and spiritual awareness that guides us into intentional action. 

This new moon is in opposition with Saturn in Pisces, who has been teaching to the collective the lessons around integrating the Dreamer with the Builder since March 7th of 2023. We have been in a collective and individual restructuring primarily with our belief systems and our dreams which will last until Saturn moves into Aries (a place of action and empowerment) on February 13th, 2026. Saturn is letting us know that the time for avoidance and escapism has passed. It's time to do the work that we have been unwilling to do yet have always known it has to be done. To be blunt (as Saturn is), we can not afford to act childish any longer. It's time to grow up and do what needs to be done, to act with duty and through obligation to what we believe and wish for ourselves and the world. Any time we want to accomplish anything real, lasting and significant we are always working with Saturn. Saturn is the one who makes it happen – rather, the one who teaches us that we make it happen. That life is in our hands, and we are not victims to it. That the road is steep and rocky, but what are you going to do? Watch it all play out in despair or step into a stronger version of yourself and be a part of the direction that it goes? The choice is each of ours.

Mercury RX 

Mercury Retrograde ended August 28th and the shadow period will officially end on September 11th. If you remember, Mercury went retrograde the day after the new moon in Leo, giving us a start/stop. The Leo new moon was ripe with inspiration and potential but the soil around us at the time was not conducive to growth. Now that we are out of Mercury RX, the seeds that we planted on the Leo new moon have a chance to grow and opportunities may start opening up. Since we are still working with Mercury in Leo, self-expression and our ego/sense of self are center-stage. 

Mercury Square Uranus RX

Mercury is squaring off with Uranus, who went retrograde September 1st. This is providing tension in the areas of self-expression and individuality but much of this is probably necessary. There may be sudden or shocking events or insights that change the way we see things or change our minds in some way. There is more chaos than normal but this is how Virgo organizes – by making things a whole lot messier than they started. Although, the secret to Virgo’s controlled chaos is that the mess was always there long before we drew it out and laid it on the table. It's only when we can see every single thing that we can find the proper place for it all. 

I really love this moon because even though we are in crazy territory, we are being given everything we need to effectively work with it. And this goes beyond the next three days of the lunation, this is setting us up for our eclipse story and therefore the next couple of months. If we pay attention, it all builds off each other and we see how connected each astrological event is. They are chapters in a greater story that we are living out. Don't get me wrong, we are not pawns to the Universe or the planets. The wisdom of Pisces knows that we are a part of something much larger than ourselves, that it is wise to surrender to intelligence greater than our own, yet our guide through this time is wise Saturn; here to remind us that we are not just actors but writers of this play. That we have intelligence and wisdom of our own too. When we bridge the two, the surrender and belief of Pisces and the structure and ambition of Saturn, we find ourselves exactly where we need to be, empowered and receptive to help. 

Eclipse Season 

Things have really been on pause since the Leo new moon August 4th but we have had some pretty major planetary action while Mercury RX was stalling and slowing it all down. The Jupiter-Mars conjunction on August 14th gave a surge of action-oriented energy but we had nowhere to go with it as Mercury RX shut down any external path or action we could take. Now things are beginning to move, however part of the purpose of the retrograde stopping us could have everything to do with eclipse season. Eclipse season is a time of divine intervention, we are subject to fate but it is the seeds that we sowed before the eclipse portal that guide where it is that the Universe assists us. That's why this is a good moon to manifest with. Tell the Universe and the planets what it is you want and then surrender into the eclipse portal and allow it to do its work. The energy we have been mulling over and marinating in are the intentions behind what we are manifesting. It's very likely there was never direct action needed from us in the first place, just the clarity of our intention. On September 17th we will have our first eclipse and we are dipping our toes into a new nodal axis, which is the Pisces/Virgo axis. The Pisces-Virgo channel is the channel of co-creation. We have the power of earth (Virgo) and spirit (Pisces.) When the two meet, magic happens. (Literally.) Such is the way of the Witch and the way of the Magician. In tarot the Magician holds the archetype of co-creation, of being the bridge between spirit and matter. The magician uses the elements of the earth to create form from the intangible, guided by a spiritual knowing greater than themselves. This is the same path the Witch walks; a spiritual path that is rooted in, and is of, the Earth. It is my belief that power is not synonymous with control but more accurately with influence. When we co-create we are holding the power to influence our reality and our world, to direct it and to divine it. Worth noting, is that the magician in tarot is ruled by Mercury, Virgo’s ruling planet. 

Saturn in Pisces 

Saturn gets a bad rep for being cold and harsh, but let’s face it, this world can be cold and harsh. The less time we spend hurt by that fact the more energy and time we have to put in the effort to correct it, to give the opposite. I say this as someone who spent so much of her youth always feeling hurt by the world, by the random cruelty and meanness. Every little thing that validated my belief that it was dangerous here wounded me 10 times more than it should have. Because I took it too far within me, I personalized each afront, I allowed myself to feel all of the pain and what it did was leave me in a state of metaphorical paralyzation. I had no room to be there for the people in my life because I had to spend all my time and energy healing every little cut I got from the outside world. I was in survival mode and I dealt with it by being in  a state of freeze. Things changed when I realized that I don't have to be okay with the way things are but I can accept that they are. What I mean by this is that I'm no longer surprised and shocked when the world hurts me because I know now that it is simply an inevitable and unavoidable part of life. I am still not okay with the fact that it is that way, but by accepting it as so I can choose to not be hurt by the way the world is. This gives me my energy and power back so that I can influence and change the world, instead of just being in a state of response to it. It's a practice in which we need to constantly be holding both. We can not allow acceptance to become complacency. But without acceptance we will never know what it is we actually have the power to change. We have to look at life as it is, truthfully and as accurately as possible otherwise we give up our power to influence the way it is. It is a bit paradoxical, but I have found all teachings of the Universe to exist within paradoxes. It's how we know we're on to something, when the mystery is intrinsic to the puzzle pieces. 

Pluto in Capricorn 

Much of this falls under Saturn’s domain, and the intricacies and sensitivity of these lessons are why it’s a planet so misunderstood and underutilized at this point on earth. We need to re-learn to work with Saturnalian themes and values in an authentic way. 

Pluto's time in Capricorn, domicile of Saturn, showed us the ways in which we have allowed the shadow of Saturn to consume our culture and society. Exploitation, excessive wealth and obsession with public status and image are all shadows to Saturn and Pluto’s stay in Capricorn brought all of those things to their extreme. As it has moved back and forth into Aquarius and then back to Capricorn, it’s been attempting to break down those very things so that we can re-align.  

Pluto will stay in Capricorn until November 19th where it will then re-enter Aquarius and stay there until March 8th, 2043. If that sounds like a long time away it is! We have almost two decades to do this major work. Taking a lesson from Saturn, we want to think about how we can best spend these next (almost) twenty years working to build a future that the generations to follow can inherit. How can we ensure that at the end of Pluto’s time in Aquarius there is a beautiful and habitable earth for the children of the world to receive? Saturn is about legacy. It is the act of sowing seeds you may never get to see grow. Saturn, lord of time, is the thread that ties each moment to the next, each generation to the ones that follow. Each brick, each step, builds off the last. No single step matters less than another because each one holds the journey together. Saturn is our constant reminder that we are not alone, and therefore we have a responsibility to those around us and those who will come after us. 

That future starts right now. We can not wait for everything to align, we just have to start working with what is here. Though, we are being given very clear signs of our path forward. 

For this lunation, Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees (a critical degree point that marks the end of a cycle) will sextile Neptune in Pisces at 29 degrees. We are closing major cycles and in many ways, we could be waking up out of a fog as Neptune prepares to enter Aries on March 30th, 2025 after 13 years in the sign of Pisces. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces but it is a planet that brings illusion, confusion and deception. It can also bring creative gifts, spiritual insights and abilities, and fertile imagination. Neptune needs to be properly channeled and grounded for its helpful attributes to shine. Until then, it can make things unclear and we can be easily manipulated. Pluto in Capricorn right now is helping us close out the lessons and issues we have dealt with while Neptune has been in Pisces. The two are correlated, intertwined with the greater shift humankind is struggling to achieve. We are still inside of the tension of the old world and the new world that wants to be born. We are essentially in a major contraction as Mother Earth labors through this critical moment of her life story. 

Main Takeaways and Recap

That was a lot and if you’re still reading I appreciate you! Here are some of the main points and takeaways from this moon: 

things are tense but the tension is providing guidance and direction. This moon is ripe for manifestation and is giving us insight into how we can move into authentic and lasting co-creation. We are meant to be bridging our dreams and hopes with practical action that we can take to bring them into reality. This is a serious time but it is also meant to be explored through the imagination and through what we can dream up for what is possible for the world. What would we like to see happen? Believe that it can be so and then get to work on making it so. Self-expression and our sense of self is subject to introspection and changes. We might have insights that surprise us or external events that change our course or our mind. Collectively, we are moving through major endings and we are holding the potential of a brand new beginning. Now, it's up to us to water the soil and nurture the growth. This will require diligence, realism, organization, hard-work and unbridled imagination, faith and optimism. 

Set your intentions on this new moon before the eclipse portal begins and then let the Universe drive for a little bit, until Oct 17th to be exact. 

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