What this new moon means as we step into 2025 and its impact for each of the zodiacs

New Year's Eve’s black moon in Capricorn closes out 2024 and leads us into 2025. They call this new moon a black moon due to the fact that this is the second new moon in December. Both of these new moons, the first happening in Sagittarius, take place at 9 degrees, meaning there has been an evolution of that degree over the course of this month. Look to see if you have planets or angles (such as the ASC/DSC or IC/MC) at the 9th degree to see where this evolution may have taken place for you.
Two New Moons
The black moon highlights the feeling of the unknown that is all around us right now, and uncertainty we have stepped into as a collective and possibly as individuals as well. To be honest, the astrology of 2025 is wild with 4 planets changing signs as well as the nodes of destiny, and this upcoming year is expected to change everything. It could even change our fundamental understanding of society, life and consciousness. Of course, we have no way of knowing what that means or what that looks like. Astrology can point out markers of change yet we still have no way of knowing how it will manifest, and that’s where our task comes into play: for our own sake and the sake of others, we must step into courage and empowerment in the face of the unknown, we must lean into our curiosity and open to possibility instead of believing in a fixed version of reality. Remaining curious about the year to come will give us the most inner security as we move through what is likely to be a historic year. This is the message of the black moon – we are being told to get comfortable in the unknown and we are being given tools and advice by the sign of Capricorn on how to do so.
The Capricorn: Mythic and Earthly
Capricorn is: Society, career, finances, linear models of success, hard work, building, structures and values. Capricorn is deeply connected to patriarchy despite it being a feminine ruled sign. This might be because Capricorn as a symbol exists in a dual nature, one side is mythical (the mermaid tale of the Capricorn) and the other is earthly (the head of the goat). We as a society have clung to half of what Capricorn represents, its stability and certainty, its ability to create structures of control and status and its ability to generate wealth through business and climbing the social ladder. The Earth Mother way of building lasting structures of sustainability that stretch into the future – which is Capricorn's main goal being ruled by Time Lord Saturn – has been lost in the patriarchal desire for short-term control, status and wealth. Thereby completely changing the relationship we all have with the archetype of Capricorn, The Builder. Sustainably and the assurance of long term wellbeing for people and for the Earth has long been disregarded so that structures bringing long-term destruction, albeit immediate monetary rewards (for those in control of said structures), can prevail.
Meaning of this New Moon
The energy around this new moon wants us to question how we have been operating with this energy. We have had many lessons here within the realm of Capricorn and the ways in which we have been using, and misusing, the energy of this sign. Pluto in Capricorn was meant to take down the illusions around these structures and ways of society so that we could see the truth of what has been created around us, the truth of the structures that make up our lives and our world. We have seen the collapse of our financial system not once but twice, the shut down of society at a global level, and the rise of tyranny and fanatical leadership. The veil has been removed, now, as we step into a new area we are being asked to really, deeply consider how we should build going forward and what matters enough to create and bring into existence. It's time that we begin to create new structures of sustainability and treat the process of creation as an investment in not just our futures but the futures of the many generations that come after us.
2025 Upcoming Transits
Mars will stay retrograde until February and then come March things begin to shift and accelerate with the ingress of Neptune into Aries. Later in June, Uranus moves into Gemini and with it we are bound to feel a shift. When Uranus changes signs it often is quite noticeable, as it is the planet of change, innovation and shock, as well as being deeply connected to the collective so that is where it’s stories primarily play out. We will also see the changing of the signs of the nodes of destiny into Pisces and Virgo, meaning we are leaving rationality behind in favor of more spiritual, creative, imaginative yet chaotic experiences. We might be able to disconnect from our preconceived ideas of what is real and tangible and open to new possibilities that we never saw coming. We could also see the rise of religious or spiritual leadership, however, the public is actually moving away from its embrace of the metaphysical and esoteric as Neptune, the planet of spirituality, moves out of Pisces and into self-assured, independent and experimental Aries. Jupiter will be moving into Cancer in June. Jupiter’s transit through Gemini has been setting us up for the next 8 years as Uranus makes its transit through that sign. Therefore, many of the things we have seen emerge this year will be expanded upon in the years to come, such as A.I., and the emergence of a digital currency. Gemini is a sign that is connected to the collective and culture itself so there are bound to be many changes in the years to come. Let’s ground back into this current moment, though, as this new moon is really asking us to not get too overwhelmed with the possibilities of the future and is instead guiding us to ground and reflect. Saturn will also move into Aries and it will dance with Neptune all year until making an exact conjunction at the 0 degree in Aries in early 2026.
The first quarter of the year is still introspective and slow, which is giving us time to plant the correct seeds for us to build in the later half of 2025. We will need to restructure systems and thought patterns and this Capricorn new moon will reveal insight into what that may look like, collectively and individually.
New Moon Sextile Saturn
The new moon in Capricorn has a harmonious sextile with its ruler, Saturn which is in Pisces. The seeds that are sown now are for the long-term, and we probably will require diligence, tending and pragmatism before we can reap that harvest. Though this will take time, we are meant to be beginning now, in the ways we can. Capricorn reminds us that important, valuable things require continuous work and effort and that all goals can be reached if we keep at them. One step at a time, without focusing on all that needs to be done, we must just start with what we have to work with and then make a commitment to keep on working like that.
What to Expect for the Signs
On a personal note, the house which Capricorn rules is an area of your life that is asking for more time, commitment and effort to develop. It is where there needs to be more focus and restructuring.
What is outdated and in need of rejuvenation and re-building? What house is ready for new buildings and restructuring? Which house is asking more effort and grounded practically from you? (For the below interpretations I have used Whole Sign House system, this my be different if you're used to knowing your houses through Placidus.)
Aries rising: Falls in your 10th house of career, status and public recognition.
Career, image and reputation are themes and these areas may need restructuring or new goals. Are your biggest ambitions accurately aligned with your actions? Careful not to lean too much into expectation and what you believe will be materially rewarded and instead go deeper into the idea of legacy and impact. What kind of mark do you want to leave on the world? Going beyond money and recognition, how can you create structures of growth, suitability and material well being for not just yourself but also the world? You will make an impact regardless, so make the right one, whatever that means to you.
Taurus rising: Falls in your 9th house of international travel, foreign cultures, expansion of the mind, higher education, religion and philosophy.
Taking the expansion of your intellect, your genius and philosophical self more seriously and concretely. Restructuring of the mind at its highest form – a restructuring of beliefs and philosophies. Changing the way in which you bring and find meaning to the world. Creating plans for travel, for learning new languages, to embrace pathways of experience and adventure could all be themes. Grounding that which is theoretical and taking it into the real world to do your learning there.
Gemini rising: Falls in your 8th house of transformation, underworld journey, other people's resources, joint resources, sex and the occult.
Transformation requires grounding and a deepening of the commitment to your soul. Ground into something concrete so that the rest can ebb and flow, and turn into something of its own form. A seed could grow into something that allows you to benefit from the resources of another to see your desires manifest. On the theme of desires, restructuring may be in order so that you can align with what you truly want and not what you think you should have or what you think will benefit you. Soul searching is needed to get to the bottom of this and inner struggle will bring transformation and insight.
Cancer rising: Falls in your 7th house of relationships, marriage, contracts and (known) enemies.
Your personal and close relationships are asking for more commitment and restructuring in more authentic ways. Leaving behind expectations within your relationships that are not necessarily aligned with the values you and your partner(s) hold but are reflective of what has been shown and taught to you by society and upbringing. The ways you relate in relationships may need restructuring or more effort going forward and this is taking these relationships to the next level. There is an increase in commitment and long-term sustainability that wishes to be reflected in your partnerships. Contracts may come up and new opportunities of growth mean working closely with others.
Leo rising: Falls in your 6th house of health, routine and day-to-day structure.
Health and routine are asking for more or new structures and a reprioritization in more sustainable ways. The sixth house rules over our day to day. It represents the structures and routines that hold our lives together, the threads of connection of each moment that brings us into the next. Therefore, this house is vital for us to maintain and nurture yet it is easily overlooked. Take this time to ground into your health, the body and the daily routines that provide structure and order. This is a house that wants us to invest in daily maintenance so that larger problems are avoided down the road. What we do not deal with finds us later with a vengeance, so lean into the idea of self-tending. Routines may need updating or total changes to accurately impact sustainability and long-term wellbeing.
Virgo rising: Falls in your 5th house of pleasure, fun, creativity, self-expression, romance, children and recreation.
Investing in creativity, pleasure and self expression are themes during this moon. These things are asking for more commitment in a long-term sense, not in a short term gratification kind of way. Creative projects are getting a boost and there is a way opening for you to bring your self-expression into the world through real, tangible structures and creations. The power of Earth is coming up to assist you in your creations and you are asked to balance play and fun with the diligence needed to bring art into life. The creative process is multifold, and if these things are to be shared with the world the energy of imagination and inspiration must be balanced with the principles of effort, hardwork and dedication. This is the time to focus on the “form” part of the equation.
Libra rising: Falls in your 4th house of home, origin story, your personal mythos, family and the private, most personal aspects of yourself and life.
Creating new narratives around your origin story and personal mythos. Our personal mythos is the tale that we tell ourselves about who we are, what life is like and why. These stories are formed in infancy and are reinforced by our family or home of origin. It's time for a major update. Know that it will take time and commitment to the new narratives until they embed themselves as deeply as the previous ones, but know too that even they will need to be updated again at some point in the future. Let go of what is expected of you and the need to embrace a linear model and the plethora of “shoulds” that you have picked up along the way. The stories that have been imposed on you, the things you have been told about yourself, and the childhood roles that have followed into adulthood are ready to be released and restructured.
Scorpio rising: Falls in your third house of the goddess – the connection to the magic and insight through the mundane and the archetype of the witch – as well as thought patterns, communication, sibling relationships and local community.
Restructuring of thought patterns, the inner monologue and communication in all its forms. The third house is the house of the goddess and where the moon rejoices, so insights and downloads may occur to guide you towards what needs restructuring and investing in the year to come. The goddess energy is one that we connect with through the earth and through the body. It is the essence of magic that exists within the mundane, that needs nothing for us to access except our willingness and openness to connect with it. Sibling narratives may come up and if they do it is so you can restructure the thought patterns you have created around those narratives.
Sagittarius rising: Falls in your second house of resources, income, material possessions, self-esteem and values.
Investing in your resources and the structures that support your material wellbeing are advantageous during this moon. Working towards greater external stability and greater inner security through self esteem and following your moral code. A rebuilding of these things may be in order. Don't forget, your values and your inner sense of self are actually your strongest resources and they allow you to keep and hang on to the material possessions and financial resources that you gain.
Capricorn rising: Falls in your first house of identity.
A restructuring of not just who you are, but a greater story of your life path is unfolding. Seeds are being planted that will take root in the way in which you perceive the world and yourself, your place in the world and your role in it, as well as how others are witnessing you. Capricorn tends to get stuck in what others think of them and this is part of your growth now, changing the structures and expectations you have been beholden to and allowing something new and more authentic to emerge.
Aquarius rising: Falls in your 12th house of restriction, karma, transcendence, limitation, subconscious, dreams and institutions.
A release of karma and past pain within your psyche is likely being processed and new stories are able to be created due to this release of the narratives past difficulties have created. Restriction may come up as a theme but you have the tools needed to utilize what is accessible to you, including within the subconscious and spiritual, to work within the parameter revealed. What I mean by this is the 12th house will limit us, yet Capricorn knows that they are meant to work with whatever is available and that anything outside of the realm of availability is not worth focusing on. If it’s unavailable right now it’s not needed right now. This in itself is a restructuring of the idea of limitation from something punishing into something supportive.
Pisces rising: Falls in your 11th house of friendships, community, network, hopes and dreams and collective care.
Your dreams are asking more from you. For you to get to work on them and possibly invest in new avenues to achieve them. Achieving these things won't happen quickly but it won't happen at all if you don't start. Your network is a support to you and it's worth investing in them. They are showing you who is here to support your dreams and your journey and who is not. Be mindful not to use people just for what they can do for you and remember this is the house where the individual and the collective merge, meaning these connections only work if they are genuine, authentic and mutually supportive.