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Partial Lunar Eclipse: Full Moon in Pisces

The Eclipse Portal Opens with a dynamic Pisces Full Moon

Astrology lunar eclipse partial eclipse Pisces
Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Commencing with this full moon, exact at 25 degrees on Tuesday September 17th, at 10:34 PM, we officially begin the shift of the nodes into the Pisces/Virgo nodal axis. This is setting us up for a nodal story line (remember the nodes are about fate – where it is we’re going and our karmic past) that will be in play until 2026. This eclipse is giving us a sneak peak into what the year 2025 will primarily hold for us, as individuals and as a collective. There is a bunch going on with this moon, and if you too feel like I keep saying that about the lunations we have been experiencing, know that I’m not just saying it – things have been astrologically crazy for a little bit now! But crazy is a neutral term that reflects the intensity and uncertainty that we have been moving into. It is certainly not an indication that things are off course or going in a worse direction – on the contrary, the astrology of late has been preparing us for a major shift in a more harmonious and loving direction. As we all know, though, there is a lot of work to do, and things often feel messier the more we get to cleaning up. The planets are doing their part to assist us in this upheaval and re-organization but we must trust that they aren’t leading us astray so that we can heed their wisdom and master their lessons. 

Pisces – Transcendence into the Cosmos 

This is a Pisces full moon on steroids. Not only is it a SuperMoon, meaning the moon is closer to the Earth and its effects felt more strongly, but the Pisces energy is double, nay, tripled by other aspects. Jupiter and Neptune, both the plantary rulers of Pisces, are the main players in this play. The outer plantets are heavily involved, in fact all of the outer planets are contributing to this lunation, which means we are dealing primarily with collective energy. This moon may have changes or revelations for us as a collective, or we may also find as individuals we have insights into how it is we want to move forward as a part of community with the world. What role do we have as individuals to make the world a better place? This isn't just something to think about in a dreamy, wishful sense – we are moving out of the fog of dreamland (Neptune in Pisces) into a place of real action in which we can create in a tangible way those ideals we have been pondering. Neptune moves into Aries in March 2025, and as it does so we are waking up from a collective delusion. 2025 is a year of massive shifting, and 2024 is the year of lining up all the pieces so that shift can take place. This year may feel tedious and long in that each and every lunation and astrological event is asking the most of us, is asking us to rise up even higher into the spiritual yet grounded nature of who we are; Asking us to be the change that we have been praying for. 

Virgo – Grounding into the Earth

This moon wants to help us grow up, to do what needs to be done without collapsing into old fears or escaping into our familiar, but destructive, coping mechanisms. We are being asked to let go of addictions, avoidance, and escapism (Pisces) particularly as it pertains to our body’s health (Virgo). It is deliberate that Virgo is the opposite point of Pisces, we can not connect with the energy of the spiritual worlds, can not have our body, mind, soul expand, transform and transcend earthly limitations, if we are not grounded into the earth and into ourselves. We have all experienced feeling ungrounded and also have experienced being around severely ungrounded people – rooting is the difference between getting lost and staying connected, between detaching from reality so much that we are no longer fully here or becoming a channel for the divine love and wisdom of the spiritual worlds to be shared with the Earth and her people through us – through our engagement and choice to be present with our world. Grounding is coming up big time as a message from Spirit. With so much change and spiritual evolution, we must be rooting into grounding otherwise we will become untethered by all of this ethereal and void-space energy moving through the world and moving through our being. A beautiful practice that guaranteed we have all intuitively done before is putting your bare feet on the ground. This is something that has actually been given a name, “earthing,” and the very real scientific data on its grounding and healing effects are worth looking into if you're curious about the hard facts. As an intuitive, I have been feeling, also most overwhelmingly, that Mother Earth is calling us back home to her and to our natural state as stewards of the Earth. If you too have felt her call, respond. Spend time connecting with the earth and her creatures, listen to her when she speaks to you through the subtle shifts in the atmosphere and the sounds of the wind. In this life, in this place, we never leave the original womb, we walk with and a part of our life giver always for the entire duration of our time here. Separation from nature is only an illusion of the human ego, the collective delusion – forced upon us by the violence of colonization – that we are now waking up from. 

Let's dig into the astrology of this full moon, aspect by aspect.  

Moon Conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Neptune is the modern ruler of the zodiac sign of Pisces. It is a bringer of illusion, fantasy, imagination, creativity, spirituality and spiritual abilities, and sometimes deception. It is the planet of the Artist and the Mystic. It can lead us astray through escapism and avoidance, drawing us towards subsistences that dull our senses and make life feel easier for the sensitive, while taking away their power to utilize the gifts they have been given, leading only to more despair. Neptune requires lots of balance to utilize its full potential. It is a world very unlike our own, so we must remember that it is simply a place to visit, to gather and then return to our world with its gifts of unlimited possibility, magic and belief. If we choose to stay in a world of make-believe, arguably a much nicer world to be in, we forfeit our right to this life, we forfeit our ability to turn this world into a nicer one. Living perpetually in fantasy helps no one and goes nowhere, it only keeps us stuck. We have been working through these themes as a collective for the past 12 or so years now, and we have finally begun to learn and integrate the lessons. They are surely returning for this eclipse so that we can finalize any last resistance, fear, and wounding blocking us from moving forward with our true potential. 

However, due to the watery and hazy nature of Neptune, the energy around this eclipse feels very foggy and The Moon card in the tarot is ever-present. What that means is that we don't know what will happen or where it is we are even going, and even the most thorough analysis of astrology can’t predict how this is unfolding and what will take place for each of us. If you have Pisces placements in your chart you're bound to be more affected by this eclipse and it may bring necessary and long-awaited change in the area of Pisces. Even if you don't have any Pisces placements you still have Pisces in your chart. Look at your birth chart (I recommend using Whole Sign if you don't have a preferred house system) and find the house ruled by Pisces. This is the area under transformation. There is an ending here that is making way for a brand new beginning. It is okay for things to end, even if they are things we thought we needed or wanted badly. If nothing ever ends nothing can ever begin. The essence of life is in constant motion and is ever evolving; all of life is an embrace of destruction/creation, a fluid loop of a figure eight, dancing into eternity. 

Pay Attention to your Dreams 

The dream world is potent right now and Spirit is communicating to us in big ways. Listen to your dreams, the synchronicities and the messages you receive out of the blue, it is all information you’ll need on your journey at some point. Dream journaling and dialoguing with your dreams is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself at this time if you are having a hard time deciphering the messages or are unclear about what changes are taking place for you. Eclipses in general bring about prophetic or symbolic dreams full of messages from Spirit and our higher self, and Pisces and Neptune are the ultimate planets for such a thing. The combination of these energies coming together feels like a giant neon sign pointing to our dreams, saying “listen.” 

Moon Conjunct Saturn in Pisces 

There is a wide orb conjunction with Saturn in Pisces and the full moon. Saturn in Pisces has been a player in many recent lunations, including the last new moon in Virgo that we had on September 2nd. This is connected to a larger story we have been moving through with Saturn in Pisces. Saturn has been retrograding since late June so we are re-visiting lessons we may have thought we were already done with. This is a theme that is repeated by Pluto’s retrograde back into Capricorn. We are not done with the past just yet. We have to go back and heal some things, let go of some beliefs, and find a deeper capacity for maturity, responsibility and structure in our lives and within ourselves. Saturn is a planet many put off working with, because its rewards are far off in the future and its presence brings hard, often tedious work for us to do in the meantime. We can fight the inevitable fact of life for as long as we want, but nothing is built without effort and work. If we want lasting change, the road there will be longer than if we just want a bandaid solution. We have lived that way as a collective for a long while, in fact our entire society is set up so that we reach for the bandaid first instead of focusing on the cause of the wound. I think we all have run through our capacity to learn that lesson. It's time to move forward with the maturity and sobriety we have been avoiding. Time will always pass, with or without us. Anything we do is effort put into something that will grow in our lives. How often do we invest our energy and effort into things that we do not wish to stick around? How much of our energy are we wasting on these things, that we don't have the energy to invest in what it is we would like to see grow? Saturn in Pisces is not without sacrifice. Something must go, we can not have it all, but we can prioritize what's most important and start walking in that direction. 

Jupiter in Gemini square the Moon 

Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, is making a tense square to the moon for this Pisces eclipse. This square is providing the necessary tension for growth and direction. Resistance is the very thing that holds us on our course. 

I grew up sailing and when you’re helming the ship there’s a very particular spot in the wind you want to be in – they call it “the groove.” It’s when the wind catches you, there's this tension that’s pulling on you/the wheel and it's that very tension that’s keeping the boat locked in place. You just glide so effortlessly on the water, nestled up so close to the wind. It may be an uncomfortable truth, but resistance is what keeps us on course. 

Mercury in Virgo, Squares Jupiter in Gemini and Opposes Saturn in Pisces 

Mercury battles with itself and its dualistic ways of being. Gemini and Virgo are two different expressions of the planet Mercury, Gemini being the quick witted, free spirit who wants to know a little about everything, moving from one thing to the next and prioritizing the experiences of the collective through pop culture and an understanding of human nature. Virgo is the detail oriented expert, it is the one with the most skills with a probing intellect that recognizes patterns in a larger picture. Virgo is rooted in the earth while Gemini darts upon the clouds. We may feel that we are torn between different aspects of our intellect and our instincts may be contradicting. The tension is between the two different ways our intellect wants to operate and understand this moment right now. Finding balance between the many aspects of our mind come through granting acceptance of our own fluidity and changeability.

When we expand spiritually, as so many of us are experiencing in profound ways, we may be tempted to continue to identify with the version of us from before. Doing so can make us feel like we’ve lost ourselves, as suddenly we seem unable to find who we were. We have in fact not lost anything at all, we have simply moved from being a small dot on a page to being the page itself. When we try to identify as the dot after we have awakened to the awareness of really being the page, we find that we can’t hold that dot any longer and that can make us feel like we’re floating in space. Who am I? We might find ourselves asking when we no longer can find a sense of self from the ways in which we have previously identified. In the simplest of answers, you are the awareness of yourself, and that is who you will continue to be, always, despite taking a journey of your soul in which you will grow, evolve and transform in infinite ways. Mercury exited its shadow period of retrograde but Saturn remains in its retrograde. Our psyche is coming back online so to speak after a time of re-evaluation and upgrades to our mind, but we must continue to ground and let go of delusions and unhealthy beliefs and habits for this shift to take hold. We must allow our beliefs about who we are to be updated in response to our new awareness. This means the limits of the mind are being pushed open by the resilience of our soul.

Uranus RX sextile the Moon and trine the Sun

We are still working with Uranus, as it prepares to change signs in 2026 and so it is finalizing its lessons for us in the sign of Taurus. This is bringing an element of shock and suspense right now as well as bringing breakthroughs and increasing the awareness and interest of the metaphysical in the collective. It is also bringing to our attention issues in collective inequality and the systems of oppression and dehumanization in which we live. We are meant to be questioning our role in these systems. Yes, we have inherited this society but it doesn't relieve us the responsibility of changing it. Though it can feel like systems and structures hold more power than we do, we must remember that even the oldest and largest structures are man-made, man-created and perpetuated by us all. These system do not exist outside of humanity and they are all enforced by humanity. Our power is limited but it is not reduced. There is a give in even the sturdiest of things, you just have to find it. Uranus may just bring us each the revelation we need to find that give (a place of power, a place of motion to move through) within our own life and how we may begin to bring down systems of oppression from the inside out, and I really do mean inside, beginning with our own brain and the systems of our external world that are reflected within us, perpetuated by our thoughts, habits and beliefs. 

Mars in Cancer

The last astrological event begging our attention began on September 4th when Mars ended Cancer. Mars, the planet of action, drive, aggression and warfare moving into the sign of watery, emotionally intense, often reactive Cancer is a shift in the energy around us and within us. Mars is in fall in the sign of Cancer, meaning it struggles to perform in the powerful and assertive way it’s used to. Mars is a planet that represents the “I,”  it is the individual engine that lies in each person. Mars acts definitively and decisively because it is designed to go after its own wants, desires and ambitions. When Mars considers others in this matter the energy of action is slowed. This can be a good thing but in the sign of empathetic and sensitive Cancer, considering the energy and emotions of others poses a major problem to the way in which this planet moves and functions. Cancers are in an upgrade with how they respond and react to their emotions and their aggression. Mars in Cancer is one to strike before they are stuck, so to speak. We have to ask ourselves, are we protecting ourselves from something that hasn't happened? Can we soften into trusting that we can set appropriate boundaries case by case, moment by moment, as we need to? We are all being shown how to let go of our fear that keeps us defensive and closed off. Mars moving through Cancer is going to bring up a lot, collectively and individually, and our fears will be questioned and scrutinized. Cancers, y'all may feel crabbier than ever but your task is to not let it get the best of you. Cancer wears many hats and protector and nurturer are two major ones. Cancer is meant in its highest expression to embody those two roles as one in the same, holding the role of the Guardian. It is a protective energy that emerges from the softness of empathy. Mars will be in Cancer for a while, moving into Leo and then retrograding again back into Cancer, so there will be much more to say on this as it unfolds. 

For now, take 5 deep cleansing breaths. Plant your bare feet firmly on the ground. Close your eyes and feel your way into a moment of peace, a moment of pause. All is held.

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